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Total Productive MaintenanceCERTIFICATE DESCRIPTIONTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM) programs have been proven to help workers (from plant-floor employees to senior executives) incorporate maintenance into the everyday performance of a facility, detect maintenance problems earlier, "mistake-proof" equipment and reduce breakdowns. After completing this training, participants will have the tools to launch, lead and sustain a systematic equipment and maintenance management improvement process and ensure alignment with overall Environmental, Health and Safety goals.CERTIFICATE OBJECTIVES5.5.1 Total Productive Maintenance: Overview of TPM and Autonomous Maintenance
5.5.2 Total Productive Maintenance: Planned Maintenance
5.5.3 Total Productive Maintenance: Quality Maintenance
5.5.4 Total Productive Maintenance: Focused Improvement
5.5.5 Total Productive Maintenance: Early Equipment Management
5.5.6 Total Productive Maintenance: TPM Administration and Sustainability