The PLC system is the major key in the manufacturing and industrial sector today. PLC or Programmable Logic Controller is the system that makes machinery and systems work automatically. This system is responsible for all the growth in industry and manufacturing processes, which is why PLC systems are very important and needed by all kinds of industry. After completing this course you should have an understanding of the history of PLCs, be able to identify the primary components of a PLC system and have a basic understanding of the purpose and function of PLCs.
Lesson 1: Introduction to PLCs
This module provides a general overview of PLCs, their history and application in industry.
Develop an understanding of the different components that make a PLC rack;
Understand the different input and output signals and how to wire them into the PLC.
Lesson 2: What Makes up a PLC
Introduction to Central Processing Units and different types of addressing and programming;
Learn about CPUs and understand how a CPU in a PLC scans code;
Learn about the different addressing modes and understand the different ways to program.
Lesson 3: I/O System
Introduction to discrete analog and data I/O with an overview of I/O addressing and parameters;
Understand I/O system;
Define discrete Inputs/Outputs; Define analog Inputs/Outputs.
Lesson 4: Ladder Logic
Introduction to ladder logic programming techniques are covered.
Understand safety circuitry;
Learn programming restrictions and cover I/O addressing.
Lesson 5: PLC Programming and Software
Software overview and a simple rung of code are covered as well as how to establish a link and download to the PLC. Documentation editor; Logical AND, OR, Combination AND/OR.
Recognize the software to program a PLC;
Understand how to create a link from the PLC to the software;
Learn the basic ladder logic commands and their uses in programming.
Lesson 6: Installation and Maintenance of PLCs
Various safety precautions, preventative maintenance and troubleshooting techniques associated with a typical PLC system.
Proper grounding techniques; Sources of electrical interference;
I/O installation techniques.
DESIGNED FOR: The incumbent worker with little or no exposure to PLCs.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
CEU: 1.8
Joey Stokes, Director of Industrial Skills
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