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9.2 4 Disciplines of Execution | Instructor-Led (14Hrs)
Aligning the organization with your most important objectives is a constant moving target. This course provides the principles, tools and skills training necessary to execute flawlessly again and again. In addition, tried and true time management tools are presented for dealing with the day-to-day “whirlwind”. 

Lesson 1: Focusing on the Wildly Important Goal (WIG) 
It’s a fact that most employees do not know their organization’s most important goals—due to limited transition of organizational priorities to the front line. In this module, participants learn that exceptional execution starts with narrowing the focus and how to clearly identify what must be done to achieve your top priorities. 
  • Why have goals? Is it really important?
  • SMART goals;
  • What are the common causes of not achieving goals;
  • How to choose the right WIG. 
Lesson 2: Acting on Lead Measures 
With unlimited time and resources, you could accomplish anything. Unfortunately, your challenge is usually the opposite: accomplish more with less. In this module, participants learn where they can find real leverage and how to use it to produce extraordinary results. 
  • How to determine what are appropriate lead and lag measures;
  • Understand how to choose predictive leading behaviors and measure them to accomplish goals; 
Lesson 3: Keeping a Compelling Scorecard 
People and teams play differently when they are keeping score, and the right kind of scoreboards motivate the players to win. Participants will learn the characteristics of a compelling scorecard and learn to become more engaged knowing the score. 
  • How to set up a team scorecard and increase engagement;
  • Make a simple, easily available scorecard that tracks both lead and lag measures;
  • Learn to know at a glance, if you are winning. 
Lesson 4: Keeping a Cadence of Accountability 
Many managers fail to meet with their employees at least monthly to discuss their progress on their goals. In the last module, participants see the benefits of working in a culture of accountability that is frequent, positive, and self-directed. 
  • Establish a weekly cadence of accountability;
  • How can you drive accountability and follow through, despite a whirlwind of competing priorities;
  • Learn time management tools and techniques. 

Team leaders, supervisors, project leaders and managers.

Instructor-Led (Virtual options available)

There is no prerequisite for this course.

7 Hours

$3,080 for up to 16 participants.

To schedule a group class for your organization, please email and we will coordinate scheduling based on your preference of date and delivery method. 

If you have questions or need help, please email

CEU: 0.7            
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